After Before Clauses workshop (ABC)

June 14, 2024 - June 15, 2024

The Laboratoire de Linguistique de Nantes (LLING UMR 6310 CNRS & Université de Nantes) will be hosting a thematic workshop on temporal adjunct clauses, a.k.a. the After/Before Clauses workshop. The conference will take place in person in Nantes (France) on 14 June 2024.

This workshop addresses the question of the distribution and interpretation of tense in temporal adverbial clauses (henceforth TACs) and, in particular, in so-called before- and after-clauses.

The invited speaker is Toshiyuki Ogihara (University of Washington).

While it would seem that after-clauses typically serve to express subsequence of the eventuality described in the main clause relative to that in the after-clause, it has long been known that before-clauses do not simply express the converse relation (Anscombe 1964, Heinämäki 1978), since before-clauses tend to be non-veridical and trigger specific pragmatic inferences.

In languages that display temporal connectives such as before and after, core questions such as quantificational force or constraints on the relative ordering of the described eventualities in the main vs. adjunct clause have been made largely dependent on the semantics of the connectives (Beaver & Condoravdi 2003, Condoravdi 2010), but cross-linguistic inquiries show that languages display other and more complex strategies for ordering events since, in particular, languages can lack temporal connectives such as before and after altogether (Bohnemeyer 1988, Tonhauser 2015, Kubota, Lee, Smironova and Tonhauser-2009, Ogihara 2022, a.o.).

Such cross-linguistic variation raises the question of the extent to which TACs are comparable across languages with respect to their semantics and the pragmatic inferences they trigger, and of how to compositionally account for the temporal interpretation of TACs while predicting the range of possible variation in their morphosyntax and in the distribution and interpretation of subordinate tense across languages.

The ABC workshop will immediately follow the TripleA 11 workshop, which will be held in Nantes on 11-13 June 2024. All participants in the ABC workshop are invited to attend and/or contribute to TripleA 11 (see TripleA 11 workshop call for papers).

The extended submission deadline is 11 February 2024 at 23:59pm. Authors will be notified of abstract decisions around mid March 2024.

Submission instructions:

We welcome contributions on topics such as, but not limited to:
· Cross-linguistic variation in the semantics or syntax/semantics mapping of temporal adverbial clauses, and temporal clauses more generally
· The semantics of temporal connectives
· Evidence for the meaning/presence of tense morphemes from temporal adverbial clauses (in particular, in so-called tenseless languages)
· Sequence of tense phenomena in temporal adverbial clauses (as opposed to complements or other types of subordinate clauses) —in particular, in languages that lack either overt (subordinate) tense, and/or temporal connectives.
· (Non-)veridicality of before- and after-clauses and pragmatic reasoning : what role do implicatures play in the interpretation of before-clauses?

Submissions open: Nov. 10, 2023 - Feb. 11, 2024

Abstract review period: Feb. 12, 2024 - March 5, 2024

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