July 11, 2025 - July 12, 2025
Each year, the Bonn Applied English Linguistics group hosts a conference aimed specifically at postgraduate, PhD, and post-doc students. This conference allows young linguists to showcase their empirical research projects in all areas of Applied Linguistics broadly defined. BAELc14 is a great opportunity to learn from each other, get feedback on your work and network with other researchers in the field.
This year, the conference will focus particularly on work taking a corpus approach to topics in the field of applied linguistics. In addition, papers from all areas of Applied Linguistics are welcome, with a strong preference for work with an empirical approach.
Our keynote speakers:
Dr. Isobelle Clare (Bamberg University), Title: Co-occurrence is key: Trolls, Trump, Tyranny, and the Taliban
Prof. Dr. Valentin Werner (Lancaster University), Title: All Fun and Games? Corpus Approaches to Pop Cultural Linguistics
Submission instructions:
Abstracts should be approximately 300 words long (excl. references) and should include (i) a brief summary of previous research and a research gap, (ii) a hypothesis or research objective, (iii) methods and data and (iv) results. Please also include a short bio-note of up to 100 words. Speakers will have 20 minutes for their presentation, followed by a brief Q&A session. The conference will be conducted entirely in English.
Notifications of acceptance for BAELc14 can be expected by early May. If you wish to be contacted earlier, you may request so by sending an email to [email protected]. However, an early decision is only available for abstracts submitted by March 15th.
Submissions open: March 5, 2025 - April 15, 2025
Contact Email: [email protected]