40.º Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (ENAPL40)

Oct. 23, 2024 - Oct. 25, 2024


The Portuguese Linguistics Association (APL) welcomes submissions in any area of linguistics to be presented, as oral communication or as poster, at the 40th APL Annual Meeting, which will take place at the Universidade dos Açores, at Azores Island.
Abstracts may be submitted in Portuguese or in English.

Submission instructions:

Each author may submit only one abstract as sole author or as first author. There are no restrictions for submissions as co-authors.
Proposals must indicate if they are being submitted as oral communication or poster.
Each oral communication will last 30 minutes (20 min + 10 min for discussion).
Posters will be exhibited and presented by the authors in a space to be defined by UAçores.
Oral communication or poster proposals must include:
title, abstract of the paper / poster, keywords (all in the language of the presentation)
Proposals mut be uploaded to the easyabs platform as a pdf file (max: 2 A4 pages, including references and tables/graphs/examples) in Times New Roman font, 12 pt, with 1.5 line spacing.
Abstracts can be submitted in Portuguese or English.
Please note that the file should not contain the name(s) of the author(s).

Submissions open: Dec. 1, 2023 - March 18, 2024

Abstract review period: March 20, 2024 - April 30, 2024

Submit to this conference