49th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG49)

Feb. 22, 2024 - Feb. 23, 2024


Abstract submissions are now closed for the 49th edition of the Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG49), which will take place in person at the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia (Italy) from February 22-23, 2024.
IGG49 will feature a pre-conference workshop (February 21, 2024) on Theoretical and Experimental Pragmatics (Th-XPRAG).

The Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, which has almost reached its half-a-century anniversary, brings together contributions on theoretical aspects of syntax, semantics, morphology, and phonology within the framework of generative grammar.

The invited speakers of this year’s edition are: Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz; Richard S. Kayne; Cecilia Poletto; Hedde Zeijlstra.

The official language, of both the main conference and the pre-conference workshop, is English.

Conference location: University School for Advanced Studies IUSS, Pavia, Italy
Conference date: February 22-23, 2024
Contact information: [email protected]

Submission instructions:

For the main conference, we invite abstract submissions on theoretical aspects of syntax, semantics, morphology, and phonology investigated within the framework of generative grammar. Studies adopting computational and experimental methodologies fit the scope of the main conference, as long as they push the theory of generative grammar forward in the domains of syntax, semantics, morphology and phonology (note that abstracts pertaining to the pre-conference workshop on Theoretical and Experimental Pragmatics should NOT be submitted via the EasyAbs platform; please follow https://sites.google.com/iusspavia.it/igg49/pre-conference-workshop?authuser=0).

When submitting an abstract, the author(s) should indicate whether they wish to be considered for an oral presentation, a poster, or both. Each oral presentation will be 20 minutes, followed by a 10 minute discussion.

- Abstracts should feature unpublished original research.
- Abstracts should be in PDF format.
- Abstracts should have a clear title and should not identify the author(s).
- Abstracts should be no longer than 2 pages of letter-sized or A4 paper, including references and examples, with 1" or 2.5 cm margins, font size 12, single-spaced. References can be given in a shortened form (e.g., "Chomsky 1986 Barriers" instead of "Chomsky, Noam. 1986. Barriers. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press") -- provided this does not hinder the identification of the source -- and set in a smaller font (no less than 10 points).
- Submissions are limited to a maximum of one individual and one joint abstract per author, or two joint abstracts per author.

Submissions closed on November 15, 2023 at 23:59 everywhere on earth.

Submissions open: Oct. 4, 2023 - Nov. 15, 2023

Abstract review period: Nov. 16, 2023 - Dec. 18, 2023

Submit to this conference