Usage-based Approaches to Phonology (UBP)

July 12, 2025 - July 13, 2025

For the last 20 years, interest in including usage factors in phonetic and phonological work has increased dramatically, and yet there have been no conferences devoted exclusively to this topic. Given the wide variety of research questions and diverse methodologies applied to understanding the phonological systems of both signed and spoken languages from a usage-based perspective, it is especially important to provide a platform for researchers to gather in person and share their questions and results. The organizers hope to encourage a community of researchers interested in usage-based approaches to phonological systems to come together to share ideas, learn from each other, and continue to advance this important field of study. The conference is open to diverse methodologies for investigating the effects of language use on phonological systems, including laboratory experiments, corpus-based studies, field studies, computational approaches, and engagement with perspectives from related disciplines such as cognitive science, neuroscience, and psychology.

The keynote speaker for this event will be Joan Bybee (Professor Emerita, University of New Mexico). This conference will be co-located with the 2025 LSA Summer Institute hosted by University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon. The theme of the Institute is "Language in Use".

*****Please note extended deadline: February 24th, 2025*****

Submission instructions:

Abstracts should be submitted in PDF format. Please ensure your submission is anonymized and free of any identifying information. You should structure your abstract as follows:

- Title
- 3–5 keywords
- Text of up to 500 words, single spaced, in Times New Roman 12pt font
- Up to one additional page for tables, figures, and references

Submissions open: Nov. 15, 2024 - Feb. 24, 2025

Abstract review period: Feb. 25, 2025 - March 22, 2025

Contact Email: [email protected]

Submit to this conference